Unyvero™ BCU (Blood Infections)
Rapid PCR Identification of 86 Pathogens and 17 Antimicrobial Resistance Genes
Turnaround Time: 6-8 hours
Brochure for Clinics: Coming Soon

Specimen Type: Flagged-Positive Blood
Enables Expedient Clinical Actions
6-8 hours turnaround time. Supports antibiotic stewardship.
Pathogen identification can take days using routine microbiology methods.
For every hour that antibiotic treatment is delayed, sepsis mortality rate increases by up to 8%.
Early identification can help reduce morbidity and mortality rates, and improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs.
Result Report
In-a-glance reporting of all pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes.
Sample Report from a clinical test.
Test Performance
2018, Austria & Germany (J Med Microbiol.)
Overall Sensitivity: 96.8%
Overall Specificity: 99.8%
PPV: 90.1%
NPV: 99.8%
Evaluation of Unyvero BCU (Blood Culture) Application compared against culture, using 178 flagged positive samples (by BacT/Alert and Bactec). Out of 178 flagged positive samples, 173 returned culture positive results, out of which 169 were positive in Unyvero; 5 returned culture negative results, out of which 1 was positive in Unyvero.
All Gram-negative bacteria identified by culture (n=53) were detected while 4 of 115 Gram-positive and 2 of 13 fungi were not identified by Unyvero BCU. Overall, 13 organisms were not included on the Unyvero BCU PCR panel; the presence of the ‘universal bacteria’ analyte allowed for the detection of 11 of these, which is therefore a useful means to confirm false positive results.
11 hours saved compared to identification by culture (average time to results); 34 hours saved compared to full antibiotics susceptibility tests.
6 of 7 polymicrobial infections, with pathogens included in the Unyvero BCU panel, were correctly identified. 5 samples with an additional pathogen were detected using Unyvero BCU.
2018, Germany (Poster Presentation DGHM)
100% Result Concordance* for Resistance Markers
95% Result Concordance* for Pathogen Detection
Evaluation of Unyvero BCU (Blood Culture) Application compared against culture, using 50 positive blood cultures and 7 spiked blood cultures.
*Comparison with routine microbiology MicroScan WalkAway96 Plus (Beckman Coulter):
ConS = Coagulase-negative staphylococci